Dream on.
Enroll Today.
American Dream Charter School is a public charter school offering open admission for students who live in New York State and will not discriminate against any student based on disability, race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or any other basis. Our school is dedicated to serving the needs of the community and will not require students to complete testing or other forms of assessment in order to be admitted.
Join us in person at an Open House to learn more about the ADS community and why it may be a great fit for your child.
Middle School Open House Dates:(Grades 6 - 8)
December 6, 2024 2pm - 3pm
December 17, 2024 5pm - 6pm
January 8, 2025 9am - 9:45am
January 23, 2025 5pm - 6pm
February 1, 2025 11am - 12pm
February 12, 2025 9am - 9:45am
February 27, 2025 5pm - 6pm
March 11, 2025 5pm - 6pm
March 28, 2025 2pm - 3pm
April 5, 2025 11am - 12pm
April 9, 2025 9am - 9:45am
High School Open House Dates(Grades 9 - 12)
December 6, 2024 2pm - 3pm
December 18, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm
January 6, 2025 5pm - 6pm
January 30, 2025 4:30pm - 5:30pm
February 11, 2025 5pm - 6pm
February 28, 2025 2pm - 3pm
March 12, 2025 4:30pm - 5:30pm
March 28, 2025 2pm - 3pm
Lottery Date: April 1, 2025
Each year, there are 85 places available for incoming 6th grade students. Parents who wish to enroll their child at The American Dream School will need to attend an orientation and complete an application. Applications will be available in English and Spanish at the front desk of each campus and online. The application will request that parents provide basic information regarding the student’s address, prior school, grade level and sibling status. The application includes an optional space to designate whether the child is an English Language Learner (ELL). This information is collected because ELLs receive a lottery preference. The application also includes an optional space to share if the child has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Student’s with an IEP receive additional lottery weight. If an applicant chooses not to provide this optional information, the applicant will not be disqualified from admission (although the applicant will not receive the admissions preference for ELLs or the additional lottery weight for students with an IEP).
Enrollment Period
Beginning in October, The American Dream School will advertise open registration periods as well as information sessions for parents concerning admission the following school-year. All applications received up until and on March 31st will be included in the April 1st lottery. A lottery will only be conducted if the number of applications exceeds the number of places available at The American Dream School.
Students will be notified via mail and by phone call of their acceptance following the lottery. Families of accepted students will be required to submit an expression of interest form confirming their student’s intent to attend The American Dream School. Parents will then be invited to a more detailed information session about the school, where they will complete all required school enrollment paperwork. All required materials will be due by May 15th of each year.
Once the first round of notifying admitted students has been completed, ADS staff will begin a new round of communication to contact waitlisted students in order of their waitlist number. The waitlist will be structured using the same preferences as the admissions lottery. For example, if an ELL student that resides in district 7 is added to the waitlist, instead of being added to the end of the entire waitlist, this student would be added to the end of the group of waitlisted students with the same district 7 and ELL preferences. Students will only be removed from the waitlist if they decline acceptance or do not respond after two rounds of notifications.
How Our Lottery Works
American Dream Charter School will hold its admissions lottery on Monday, April 1, 2025, at 12:00pm. Applicants chosen in the lottery will receive an email and or text the same day and letter in the mail a few days after the lottery. Applicants not chosen in the lottery receive notification informing them that they have been waitlisted. The link to join our lottery event is below.
The lottery will be open to the public for anyone who would like to attend or observe in person. Our lottery will be held at our Middle School campus at 510 E 141st Street, Bronx, NY 10454 in the auditorium, on the first floor.
In the event of the need for a lottery, admission preference will be granted in the following manner:
First Preference: Returning students will automatically have a seat at American Dream.
Second Preference: Siblings of students who are already enrolled at American Dream.
Third Preference: Children of current American Dream School employees.
Fourth Preference: Students indicating on the admissions application that they speak a language other than English at home or are currently receiving English Language Learner services, and who live in Community School District 7.
Fifth Preference: Students who reside in New York State but outside of Community School District 7 and who indicate on the admissions application that they speak a language other than English at home or are currently receiving English Language Learner services.
Sixth Preference: Students who reside in Community School District 7.
Seventh Preference: Students who reside in New York State but outside of Community School District 7.

“The students are sweet to one another in a way I haven’t seen at other schools, when an English Language Learner comes to this country and to our school, the other students sit next to them in class and help them with their work, and sit with them at lunch.”
— Kayla Benton, Middle and High School English Language Learner Coordinator

Mini Mester
During our June Mini-Mester, students are immersed in an accelerated two-week course to explore language development through field trips and Culturally Responsive Education. Students take class with peers at the same level of language proficiency and develop in the areas most needed. Mini-Mester destinations include cities such as Washington D.C. and Philadelphia and local landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty and the Bronx Zoo.